💫 A Journey to the Stars



Estimated read time: 5 minutes

After working with Python for years, I wanted to diversify a little bit and explore something else, something different, refreshing. For a while, I thought about spending some time with Go, which is an excellent language from writing back-end servers, thanks to its overall simplicity and amazing concurrency model. But in March of this year, an exciting new language released in its 1.0 version: 💫 Gleam 💫.

Gleam is, like Go, a simple language, as one of its main objective was to avoid "magic" and generally provide one way of doing things. This is a great goal, which inherently makes Gleam a polar opposite of Python!

Another way that Gleam differs systematically from Python, is that it is statically typed, with a wonderful type system to boot. This means that, in general, if a program compiles, then it will run, and runtime errors will be much rarer when compared to an equivalent program written in Python or Javascript.

But where Gleam shines above all for me, can be summarized in one word:


First, look at their website:

If you're not convinced, let's take a look at the gorgeous code. Don't worry if it looks foreign, it's mostly due to the functional style of the language, and we will go over these features in the next sections and future posts.

/// Source:
/// https://github.com/giacomocavalieri/squirrel/blob/main/src/squirrel.gleam

fn run(
  directories: Dict(String, List(String)),
  connection: postgres.ConnectionOptions,
) -> Dict(String, #(Int, List(Error))) {
  use directory, files <- dict.map_values(directories)

  let #(queries, errors) =
    list.map(files, query.from_file)
    |> result.partition

  let #(queries, errors) = case postgres.main(queries, connection) {
    Error(error) -> #([], [error, ..errors])
    Ok(#(queries, type_errors)) -> #(queries, list.append(errors, type_errors))

  let output_file =
    |> filepath.join("sql.gleam")

  case write_queries(queries, to: output_file) {
    Ok(n) -> #(n, errors)
    Error(error) -> #(list.length(queries), [error, ..errors])

A quick Gleam overview

Because it is a functional programming language, writing Gleam is quite different from writing in other languages, such as Python, as it has (almost) none of the usual control flow mechanisms (e.g. loops and conditionals). What Gleam has, however, is:

  • Recursion (which is our go-to mechanism to replace iteration); and

  • Pattern matching.

Consider the following simple Python program:

def integers_above_n(lst: list[int], n: float) -> list[int]:
    return [
        for item in lst
        if item > n

In Gleam, a naive implementation of this function would look like:

import gleam/int

fn integers_above_n(lst: List(Int), n: Float) -> List(Int) {
  case lst {
    [] -> lst
    [first, ..rest] -> {
      case int.to_float(first) >. n {
        True -> [first, ..integers_above_n(rest, n)]
        False -> integers_above_n(rest, n)

You may wonder why I've chosen to write the Python implementation to return a new list rather than mutate the original list. This is because variables are all immutable in Gleam, as it is usual for functional languages.

While it takes some time to get used to it, the lack of mutability ultimately makes the code easier to understand, as the scope in which a variable can change is very limited (i.e. within a function).

Let's break down what the function does, although it is probably quite clear:

  • Gleam doesn't have a return statement. Instead, it uses implicit returns , and the last line of a block is what is going to be returned out of the block. As such, the result of the case statement is the return value of our function.

  • The case statement does a pattern match on our list lst.

    • [] -> lst means that if the list is empty, we return the list itself (i.e. we are done iterating);

    • If the list is not empty, then the list can be written as [first, ..rest], i.e. first is the name we attach to the first element of the list, and the rest of the list is labelled rest. We write it as ..rest because rest is itself a list. This would be the equivalent of writing *rest in Python.

      In this case, we need to consider two cases for the value of first.

      • If it is above n, we add it to our output;

      • Otherwise, we skip it.

      Of course, because Gleam makes us write type-safe programs, we cannot directly compare integers and floating numbers, so we have to make a conversion before the comparison (and note the dedicated comparison operators for floating numbers >. to make everything explicit.)

This example represents well the type of control flows you can expect from Gleam programs. Even though I find it quite easy to read, one could argue that it is a little bit verbose, and that Python's list comprehension reads a little bit nicer.

Fret not, because there is a much more idiomatic way to write this function:

import gleam/list

fn integers_above_n(lst: List(Int), n: Float) -> List(Int) {
  list.filter(lst, fn(x) { int.to_float(x) >. n })

This code performs the filtering of the list, using an anonymous function as a way to decide which elements should be retained (in our case, the values that are greater than n.)

Now let us imagine we wanted to return the square of all the values above 5. We could use the list.map function, which applies a function to each element of a list, which then would give:

import gleam/list

fn square_of_integers_above_n(lst: List(Int), n: Float) -> List(Int) {
  list.map(list.filter(lst, fn(x) { int.to_float(x) >. n }), fn(x) { x * x })

Now this is quite difficult to read, especially when compared to its Python equivalent, i.e.

def square_of_integers_above_n(lst: list[int], n: float) -> list[int]:
    return [
        item * item
        for item in lst
        if item > n

Because Gleam is built upon functions, it gives us some syntactic sugar to help us write chains of functions. In our case above, what we want to do is provide the list.map function with the result of the list.filter function. This can be done using the pipe operator |>:

import gleam/list

fn square_of_integers_above_n(lst: List(Int), n: Float) -> List(Int) {
  |> list.filter(fn(x) { int.to_float(x) >. n })
  |> list.map(fn(x) { x * x })

The pipe operator essentially works by using the value on the left as the first argument in the function on the right. The Gleam syntax is great because it allows us to specify the other arguments of that function, as if the first argument was there, even though it is not.

Uses for Gleam

Gleam is a general purpose programming language, which means it could technically be used to write any kind of program.

Your Gleam code can compile to two different targets:

which allows you to do two different things:

  1. When compiling to Erlang, your code is going to run on the BEAM virtual machine, which enables Erlang's amazing concurrency model (the Open Telecom Platform, or "OTP" for short), used by the likes of WhatsApp.

  2. You can compile your code to Javascript in order to build website front-ends, using a framework like lustre.

Armed with these two different targets, you could theoretically do anything!

For example, this blog is now written in Gleam (although a large part of the logic for converting the posts to html elements was lifted from Giacomo Cavalieri's own blog)!

Another good example is Gleam's excellent Language Tour, which, as far as I know, embed the Gleam compiler into the browser using WASM, and compile's the user's code into Javascript to run it in the browser and display the results in a snappy fashion (no need to send the code to a server for compilation).


Finally, I think the most important aspect in trying a new programming language is that it should be fun. For me, the aesthetics of the language, coupled with the functional style and the great type system (which I will discuss in the next post), makes writing Gleam extremely fun, and that's why I will stick to it for the foreseeable future, although I know my day job will remain very much Python-based for a good while.
